Family law and family violence training for women's advocates
Available courses
This is the private discussion space and resource hub for Ontario's Family Court Support Worker Program.
Organizations with FCSW funding should contact Training@LukesPlace.ca to enroll new workers or update accounts.
This multi-module course covers:
- Violence against women within the family
- Family law issues when leaving an abusive relationship
- Ontario's family court processes
- Getting legal advice
- Providing effective support
Fee: $90. Learn more or enroll now.
A collection of video presentations and other resources to supplement the After She Leaves Manual and training for family court support workers in New Brunswick.
This free self-directed multi-module e-learning looks at how to work with the media to promote gender-based violence concerns.
It covers traditional and social media, the role of a media spokesperson, communication tools and media interviews. It also explores how much language matters in all these situations.
To enroll, contact Training@LukesPlace.ca.
This self-directed multi-module e-learning looks at how to do law reform as a community-based organization.
It covers the steps in a law reform campaign, including how to work effectively in a coalition. It also looks at other forms of law reform and recent campaigns.
This is a free e-learning. To enroll, contact Training@LukesPlace.ca.
This free e-learning, presented by Pamela Cross and Peter Jaffe, is designed for lawyers.
However, the material will also be of interest to other professionals involved with the family court system.
You may self-enroll if you already have an account with this website.
On March 1, 2021, significant changes to the custody and access provisions of the federal Divorce Act and Ontario’s Children’s Law Reform Act came into effect.
You may self-enroll if you already have an account with this website.
Based on the Luke's Place model, this toolkit contains materials to enhance the delivery of family law support services. Some of the material is intended for managers and administrators, some for the women you work with, but most of it is for frontline workers.
The updated Service Model Toolkit will be available in 2024. To book your organization's access, please contact Training@LukesPlace.ca.
A downloadable report on services for women in Ontario available to anyone using this site.
If you are enrolled in any training on this website, you may self enroll to view the report.
Designed for family law lawyers. Topics covered:
- Understanding intimate partner abuse
- Converging issues - cultural & legal
- Intake & screening
- Practice management
- Common issues in cases involving partner abuse
- Evidence
- Professional responsibility
This program contains 1hr 20 mins Professionalism Hours and is eligible for up to 1 hr 10 min Substantive Hours.
Fee: $125. Learn more or enroll now.
A private forum to support lawyers who are working with and on behalf of women dealing with issues of violence and abuse.
This online space is restricted to volunteer researchers who have successfully completed the Community Engaged Ontario Family Court Research Training 1. It contains research tools and updates.
The online training for Citizen Social Science Researchers prepares volunteers for the Community Engaged Ontario Family Court Research project.
This is Part 1 of 2 e-learnings.
Part 1 is a self-directed multi-module online course on community engaged research, family law and family court, intimate partner violence and how to conduct court observations.
After completing this phase, you will be enrolled in the second component where you will be able to access the Qualtrics tools used to collect data in this project and resources.
A course for family law lawyers in the Yukon, provided by the Yukon Status of Women Council.
The outline for this course has been reviewed by the Law Society of the Yukon and they have confirmed that it would be eligible for 100 minutes or 1.7 hours of Continuing Professional Development credits for lawyers.
To learn more about this course, contact admin@yswc.ca.
How should parenting arrangements work after separation when one parent is abusive to the other?
How much of the family property will a person get after separating from their common-law partner?
How can you support a survivor who's ex-partner is continuing the abuse?
Find out in this course about Yukon family law. It's specifically designed for community workers who support intimate partner abuse survivors.
This course is provided by the Yukon Status of Women Council. To learn more, contact admin@yswc.ca.